Escaping the matrix, and self deception.

Afew months ago we witnessed an outbreak of a certain plague-like internet mania, which had us all discussing it, sharing opinions and even working out solutions. This plague has had millions diseased and ailing, with symptoms including overdose of masculinity (extreme high), high passion levels for male emancipation, and maximal devotion levels of liberation from media control and ideology. Side effects include narcissism, self-deceiving idealism, arrogance, blooming market capitalism, vulgarity and benightedness. Basically what we can refer to as the “sigma male grindset”. All these symptoms are very prominent in the patients, most of them around ages of 12-24.

Andrew Tate videos started appearing on social media platforms and promptly gained immense popularity. Videos in which he appears as a polymath, a scholar who has a firm grip on a vast range of topics. From scholarly topics such as making money and being successful in attracting women, to the routine customary topics of religion, politics, philosophy, media, history etc. He has opened the eyes of millions, to view the world order as structures of power and media indoctrination, something Noam Chomsky or Marx or Derrida or the other unenlightened and illiterate bozo theorists failed to explain. Infact these people too were stuck in the matrix, working jobs, writing, reading, not starting a business or investing money to buy cars, not building muscle and all, they were very much mere dividuals inside the matrix. Andrew Tate has helped young men heal from their crippling depression and anxiety by telling them it doesn’t exist, he has made them more masculine and strong and has enlightened them by telling them all they need to know about politics and media. 

As amusing as this has been so far, it is equally as frightening. What Tate, and many other like him have managed to do. Recognize universal pain points in men and use it as an indoctrination tactic. Teenagers and even adults have started to buy the fallacious rhetoric that he’s selling. Himself being a bourgeois market capitalist, undergoing trials of sex trafficking, has managed to establish a cult of victimized youngmen who agree with and defend his claims. This entire saga isn’t really something new, there have always been people who come every once in a while to revive their ill-defined masculinity, and trigger people in the political spectrum.  The matrix however has been a very successful catchphrase. A signifier that has no distinct meaning for anyone, but the mainstream view of his matrix is that it’s a certain order and structure in which people’s daily lives and their opinions are engineered by the individuals in power and we are forced to consent to it, just like computer coding, we all do what we’re told to do. Everyone within the matrix are robotic slaves and those who dare to escape it are the true unfettered geniuses.  

The problem with this idea is that it is self-contradictory, especially when we look at it from the notion that tate brings forward, “grind your way to the top” and the possibility of doing so is just a form of gaslighting one’s self. Our desires are indirectly being engineered. Glamour, cars, wealth, the lives that the elite live, We’re being forced to think that is where contentment lies, hence we do all that is in our will to achieve that fantasized contentment. Where I ask is the freedom in this? this entire struggle of liberation from ideology is what ultimately sustains it. This grind out of depression is what persists it. The sooner one realizes this, the sooner he’ll be content.  Tate has managed to generate achievement subjects, who turn their aggression inwards, all thinking they’re victims of this prevailing culture of prejudiced power structure. What this does is, it fosters a very bad spirit and soul. It fosters the symptoms and side effects I mentioned in the beginning.  

Adolescent young boys need to rethink their grounds and even the people against this showman should attempt a critique with a different rationale, using his political and social incorrectness as a start. Therefore all those who’re subject to this plague should take a moment to think who’s benefitting, and who is responsible for sustaining this continuous alienation.